
Validated Antibodies

Environmental Proteomics offers products and services for the quantitative analysis of proteins. We use bioinformatics to design peptide antigens to elicit antibodies for use across a wide range of species.

Our products are tested in-house before being introduced to our customers, ensuring high-quality products for high-quality research.


Since our incep­tion, Environmental Proteomics has col­lab­o­rated with Agris­era to design, pro­duce and char­ac­ter­ize com­plete immuno­log­i­cal detec­tion sys­tems. Agris­era are spe­cial­ists in serv­ing plant and envi­ron­men­tal scientists, focused on:
  • Custom antibody production,
  • peptide synthesis,
  • global and secondary antibodies,
  • antibody purification and labeling.
Antibodies and protein standards designed by Environmental Proteomics are sold exclusively through Agrisera’s website.